Creating graphic materials for content or presentations on managing risk. This is a topic that can be applied both at work, for seminars on IT Security, or at home when discussing biking in the street. It is just a good way to ask questions and discuss how people view risk, and what to do to be safer.
There are many online resources that have been made for different risk management scenarios and cases. Most will focus on practical steps that can be taken, but they all require some change in how people view risk and then act.
There can be different ways of sharing content in a company, but now with the use of tools like Microsoft Teams and Sharepoint, there can be a good point of using content and graphics to get people's attention. Companies train their staff in how to analyze, avoid and/or manage risk in their work in order to better manage the costs to their businesses.
For risk management, there can be different ways to view risk, including some frameworks.
In different industries, companies and people share information on risk management in order to spread best practices.
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